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Resource Connect Asia, Intlang Marketing, Vertical Events, Chapter One and The Pick has taken care to collect and publish this information in good faith but makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of any facts or representations and has relied upon information provided to it in doing so.


We do not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any facts or representations published, or for any opinions expressed. We are not a financial adviser, and nothing within the publication is financial or other advice whatsoever. 


Subject to any terms implied or expressed by the law, we do not accept any responsibility for any reliance, loss, damage, cost or expense incurred by any reliance upon this information or anything published by Resource Connect Asia, Intlang Marketing, Vertical Events, Chapter One and The Pick herein, or by acting upon it or for any error, omission or misrepresentation conveyed.

The information published is general only and does not consider any individual objectives of investors.


In addition, the Chinese translation here is for reference only, and the English version is the original version.



Resource Connect Asia, Intlang Marketing, Vertical Events 、Chapter One 和The Pick 善意谨慎的收集公司和项目信息,根据公司所提供的原材料来编制,对事实或陈述的准确性不做保证或陈述。我们对所发布的任何事实陈述、其准确性或所表达的意见和建议不承担责任。根据法律,我们对因仅依赖这些信息所产生的理解、遗漏或失实陈述,和由此行动所造成的损失、损害、成本或费用不承担任何法律责任。Resource Connect Asia, Intlang Marketing, Vertical Events 、Chapter One 和The Pick不是投资或财务咨询机构,所发布的信息仅为综合性信息,尚未考虑投资者的个人需求和投资目标。另外,这里的中文翻译仅作参考使用,英文属原文发布。

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